Fire Suppression Systems for residential occupancy.

The iCO® Residential Fire Suppression System is an ideal solution for residential properties such as:

  • Sheltered and extra care housing
  • Residential care premises
  • Residential rehabilitation accommodation
  • Dormitories and student accommodation
  • Hotels and hostels
  • Bed and Breakfast accommodation
  • Blocks of flats
Residential fire sprinkler system
Residential Fire Suppression Systems - Water Mist - Student Halls

Categorising your residential fire suppression system project.

The designer or architect should determine which category of system is applicable at an early stage within the project. The type of property will affect various design considerations, such as the system run time in the event of a fire. For smaller projects, such as single-family dwelling houses, individual flats or transportable homes, please visit domestic water mist systems.

Houses of multiple occupation (HMOs) or buildings with more than two floors and five or more lettable bedrooms, should be treated as a residential occupancy.

Bed and breakfast accommodation or buildings with more than two floors and five or more lettable bedrooms, should be treated as a residential occupancy.

Boarding houses or buildings with more than two floors, and five or more lettable bedrooms, should be treated as a residential occupancy.

Blocks of flats or buildings where the fire strategy requires the communal rooms and corridors to be protected by a water mist system, should be treated as a residential occupancy.

Installing peace of mind.

The iCO® water mist system is easy to install in comparison to traditional sprinkler systems, requires very little maintenance and has a removable cover so that the internal components can be serviced on-site if needed.

iCO® patented technology has an IP rating of IP53 and meets the fire performance tests outlined in BS:8458. The pump automatically tests itself once a month to ensure it is functioning properly. Unlike other water mist systems, no water is used and no drain is required.

For a full list of the iCO® fire suppression system features and benefits, please visit water mist systems.

water mist fire suppression system